The Police Force with the Mostest

Instapundit linked to a story from the June 2010 issue of Police Chief Magazine concerning revenue streams for police departments. He highlighted the paragraph that listed "the most prominent recommendations" from a panel that brainstormed the possibilities. The "most" list had 20 suggestions. Twenty! Apparently there is no dearth of opportunity to get those streams flowing.

  • fees for sex offenders registering in a given jurisdiction,
  • city tow companies,
  • fine increases by 50 percent,
  • pay-per-call policing,
  • vacation house check fees,
  • public hours at police firing range for a fee,
  • police department-run online traffic school for minor traffic infractions,
  • department-based security service including home checks and monitoring of security cameras by police department,
  • a designated business to clean biological crime scenes,
  • state and court fees for all convicted felons returning to the community,
  • allowing agency name to be used for advertisement and branding,
  • triple driving-under-the-influence fines by the court,
  • resident fee similar to a utility tax,
  • tax or fee on all alcohol sold in the city,
  • tax or fee on all ammunition sold in the city,
  • public safety fees on all new development in the city,
  • 9-1-1 fee per use,
  • police department website with business advertisement for support,
  • selling ride-a-longs to the public, and
  • police department–run firearm safety classes.