Staats Polizei

We were driving across Illinois recently and I noticed the highway signs for the Illinois State Police. For the first time, it sank in that when my relatives in Illinois talk about "the State Police," it isn't just their colloquial term for Highway Patrol.

In fact, 22 states use the term State Police. "Highway Patrol" is used by 19 states, including Arizona. Seven states have "State Patrols." Alaska uses the term "State Troopers."

Hawaii is unique in being comprised of islands and highway patrol functions are handled by each county. I believe Steve McGarrett deals with all the really big stuff.

This site provides links to all statewide police departments.

We watched the TV show "Highway Patrol" when I was a kid. It was on before supper in our marketplace (syndicated series). This was back when TV news was 15 minutes instead of an eternity. Anyway, I can easily picture Broderick Crawford in his suit and hat, leaning against his patrol car with radio in hand. This is a wonderful nugget from Wikipedia.
... scenes were often filmed on rural two-land paved or dirt roads to save money and because Crawford's own driver's licene was suspended for drunk driving.