Can you spell that without any Rs?

A woman was killed Thursday when she drove across some railroad tracks that were being used by moving locomotives. She was northbound on Hayes Avenue, which is a gravel road where it crosses the Union Pacific spur in western Webster County, Iowa. The black highway that angles across this part of the map is D20, formerly U.S. 20. (Iowa DOT map clip.)

Here is a paragraph from the Fort Dodge Messenger article that just amazed me.
The Union Pacific Railroad has conducted several programs in Webster County in an attempt to prevent grade crossing collisions. The railroad has taken local residents on short train rides during which they learn about grade crossing safety. The railroad has also joined forces with law enforcement agencies to catch drivers who violate grade crossing safety laws.
Train-vehicle collisions have dropped significantly since 1981. There are a lot more vehicles on the road these days.

Since there are more drivers and fewer at-grade accidents, drivers are doing better. Or the number of at-grade intersections has decreased.

What about those "short train rides"? The UP offers them to elected officials and first responders.

"Railroad crossing, look out for the cars." Or the way I always said it, "Look out, cars."