The Case of the Accosted Accountant

Arthur: I got a letter today, and you'll never guess from whom. You remember that place five years ago on the Riviera, that place we rented next to the two widows?
B.K.: Arthur.
Arthur: Well, one of them wrote and asked –  
B.K.: Arthur, will you shut your silly, fatuous mouth?

Phil: Not a shadow of a doubt, B.K. Your son-in-law has been embezzling from the company.
Cut-away to Perry’s office.
Ed (the son-in-law): Perry, there’s no question about it. My father-in-law is an embezzler, a thief.

PM: I trust my lecture didn't impede your legal career.
Leslie: Oh, no, I graduated and passed the bar exam and got my license, thank you.
PD: If it's a hunting and fishing license, I'm in season.

Leslie: A keyhole peeper with a childlike faith in the noble traditions of the law. Drake, you disappoint me.
PD: That’s too bad. Maybe I’ve worked too long with a real lawyer, a man who has great respect for the ideas of justice.

PD: Hamilton, I need your help.
HB: All right, Perry, I’ll go along with you.

In the wrap-up, among other things, the gang talks about Leslie, the gorgeous lawyer.
PD: With her face and figure, she's got a built-in license to practice black magic. How are you going to stop her?
PM: Oh, with Proverbs. 1:10, I believe.
PD: What's that?
DS: "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.”