"This is reprinted with permission."

Or I'm linking to it. It's a piece on copy rights and the words above are right at the bottom. The Founders thought protection of creations mattered, to a point. But the entertainment industry is a big hairy deal. Rights of this industry seem to matter extra much.
It's as though Congress is saying that it would be wrong for the heirs of the Brothers Grimm to perpetual copyright to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, because it belongs to all people, but Walt Disney's version of it is so sacrosanct it should earn money forever.
How about the original intent of copy rights?
That way we would never end up with a system of hereditary privilege, similar to the printers guilds of Renaissance England, who tied up rights to dead authors and tightly controlled what could or could not be printed and who could or could not use literary material.
Congress has been tinkering with copyright extensions for decades. Protection of "intellectual property" has resulted in 98 percent of works being in copyright with ownership of said rights undetermined.

We continue to distance ourselves from the principles upon which we were founded.

All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. I read that somewhere.