The Case of the Melancholy Marksman

Long day. I missed the last half of Perry Mason, which is too bad as there was plenty going on in the first half.

A guy walks into a gun store and sends the clerk into the back room on an errand. Then he fiddles with the guns on display and swaps one out. Nice security!

The marksman guy is going to be the defendant in short order. His first wife died and his second wife, Irene, is earning her shot at victimhood. No one had a good word for her in the segments I saw. Well, there was that one man she talked to on the phone who seemed to be auditioning for the role of her next husband. One in a series.

Marksman goes to his sister's home to visit his daughters. Here we have young children giving advice on how to get rid of the wicked stepmother.
Daughter 1: She’s not our real mother so we won’t come as long as she’s there.

Daughter 2: You could take Irene out and drown her. Well, you could! ... We’re afraid of her.

Marksman’s sister: You’re not the first man who ever got caught at his first wife’s funeral.
(The Other Woman is a TV movie about such a situation. Except that the second wife isn't on everybody's List of Most Hated.)

Sis recommends that Marksman talk to Perry Mason. Perry listens and doesn't say anything Marksman wants to hear.
Marksman: You just do what you want. Maybe the answer isn’t in a law book anyway.

Gunstore clerk goes home and his wife is mad at him because she can smell Irene's scent on his clothes.
Clerk: Irene who? ... Anyway, Irene is my cousin.

PM to Sister: Our justice isn’t barbaric, Ellen. It won’t accept just any eye for an eye.

Perry and Paul have trouble finding a place to park.
PM: The only solution to the parking problem in Los Angeles is to get rid of the cars.

Hamilton Burger questions a bartender.
Bartender: He'd been drinking but I wouldn't say he was drunk.
HB: In other words, he'd had enough drinks to deaden his inhibitions, but he wasn't too drunk to shoot straight.
And the judge says: You know better than that, Mr. Burger.

Paul Drake is on the job and brings Perry some good stuff.
PM: Well, there's the bridle and the saddle. Now all we need is the horse.  

PM: I accept the reminder, Mr. Burger, and thank you on behalf of the witness for rushing to his aid with a suggested answer.
Doesn't the D.A. know better than that?