The Case of the Unwelcome Bride

A couple is headed to a family gathering in their convertible. The woman is disappointed that her husband isn’t making a successful effort at working in her father’s business.
Amanda: If you’d just try to be interested in the right things. If you’d just fight once in awhile.
Peter: Shut up, Amanda!

Another fighting couple in a convertible, going to the same event. It’s Amanda’s step-brother and his new wife.
Sue Ellen Frazer: I’ve never been invited to this house before. Why now?
Greg Frazer: I don’t know and I don’t care. ... Whatever happens, be nice tonight.

They're all having a lovely time socializing. Sue Ellen is a beautiful chanteuse who met the drunken Greg at the nightclub bar. They marry in haste because that's the way love is, don't you know? He's a mess and his father thinks he married beneath him. Dad isn't too fond of his son-in-law, either.

Peter: Mr. Frazer, I don’t think –
Mr. Frazer: I know you don’t think, Peter. It’s not a time to bring that up again.

Joe Medeci owns the nightclub where Sue Ellen headlined. He knows she made a mistake marrying Greg Frazer. He's good with metaphors.
Joe: You put your money on a fancy-looking nag who just happened to have three left feet. ... Sure, his father wrapped him in solid-gold diapers and spoiled him rotten.   

Greg (victim-to-be): The only job I’m interested in is one that leads back to my old man’s money.

Perry Mason is connected to this group because he's drawn up a partnership agreement for Walter Frazer to bring his son into the business.
PM: I wonder what will happen when his investment company is under the management of an over-aged juvenile delinquent.

Greg is a piece of work but his father wins no prizes for civility.
PM: Walter.
Walter: What is it you wanted me for?
PM: Five minutes. Then you can do what you want.

Early in the trial Perry and Della set up a large timetable that is numbered. They slide away the cover over each activity as it is discussed in cross-examination. He assures the judge this is not to be entered into evidence. It's just a device so that Perry can confirm the timing of events the evening of the murder. Obviously his staff (Della, I guess) has put in a lot of work. A witness testifies about something and Perry reveals the timing, which has already been charted.  

District Attorney Burger is as gracious as always.
HB: If the defense feels that it needs training aids to determine just how formidable our case is, I have no objection.

PM: Paul, how do you feel about high altitudes?
PD: Do you want me to jump off the balcony?
PM: I want you to book the next flight to Houston, Texas.

In the wrap-up Walter Frazer grieves for his murdered son but acknowledges Greg's faults and regrets the way he treated Sue Ellen.
Walter: A blind man often accuses the whole world of darkness.