The Case of the Grumbling Grandfather

An executive goes into the office building that bears his name when he notices a lot of lights on after closing. He figures to catch the cleaning woman nipping his whiskey. Instead, his grandson is in his office, ostensibly looking at Granddad's library. In reality, he's fooling around there with an older woman.

Grandfather: What's that? Blackstone?
Grandson: Yeah, the moths really fly out of that one, don't they.

Grandfather: I don't want Dorine Hopkins within 10,000 miles of my grandson.
(Ten thousand miles from Los Angeles would be Nairobi, Kenya, for one example. Capetown, South Africa, for another.)

Dorine to Grandson: My husband is very unimportant, because I don't like him. I haven't liked him for years and years and years.

HB: Your honor, I object to that. There's certainly been no foundation laid for that sort of a quiz program.

Witness: I won't answer. Give me a chance to think. Your honor, I don't want to lie. I don't want any trouble. Give me a chance to think.