Bitter disappointment

Instapundit linked to a column about this email that a British Navy officer wrote to his adult children. The father's chief worry is the next generation, his grandchildren.

I feel the same way about the American electorate. I could easily shrug it off, the way voters allow politicos to destroy the fabric of the nation, since I am in my 60s. But I do have grandchildren. I am not at all optimistic about the sort of nation the USA will be when they are adults. They are going to have to shoulder the immense burdens my generation and the next chose to handle in a irresponsible fashion.

In this interview, Cmdr. Crews talks about his flaws as a father and the work his wife did to raise their three children. He also notes that the current culture does not insist on personal responsibility.
[It] proffers us “a cancerous cocktail where on the one hand everyone is supposed to be free to do whatever they wish, but on the other we all expect protection from the consequences of our actions." 
Like I said, substitute the American electorate and a governing elite hell-bent on squandering the nation's future and relate away. Bitter disappointment, indeed.