The Case of the Angry Dead Man

Adult son of victim to his stepmother: When I'm past 50, I'd sure like a nice Georgia peach to come rollin' into my life.

Victim's business partner: Oh, faithful partner. You didn't die a minute too soon.

PM: Why do you suppose someone would have dropped the gun in a place where it was so sure to be found?
HB: Objection. It's possible that if the deputy sheriff were himself the murderer, he might be qualified to answer the question.

PM: Are you familiar with the penalty for perjury, for lying under oath?
Witness: I ain't lyin'. You got some nerve.

Defendant, answering a question from Perry: I do believe I did.
PM: Then I do believe we're going to have a most interesting afternoon.

Confessor: Well, I'm afraid I've never particularly liked the idea (of a life behind) prison bars.

Handwriting Expert: In this girl's handwriting I can see perseverance, loyalty and hunger.  ... And from your handwriting I can tell that you're a very rich man who can afford the finest restaurant in town.