I kidd you not.

We're watching a minor Clint Eastwood western, Joe Kidd (1972). I call it minor because I'd never even heard of it. But it has some major chops: written by Elmore Leonard, directed by John Sturges and co-starred Robert Duvall. I believe it's the only time Clint Eastwood and Robert Duvall teamed up for a movie.

I love westerns, especially of the Randolph Scott order. I'm not sure why. I don't ride. I don't shoot. I don't even camp. Maybe it's because most of the action takes place outdoors. And in Joe Kidd, the outdoors never looked better. This movie is flat-out gorgeous -- and I don't think it's just because we have a new TV.

Long live the western! And anyone with two brain cells to rub together could come up with a better list than this person's "greatest western movies of all time." Gone with the Wind is a western? Aunt Pittypat lived on the west side of Atlanta, I guess.