Quiet, please.

Quiet pleases me. It's one of the things I like best about the Internet. I keep the speakers turned off and for those rare moments when I do want to listen to something, I generally do it via a headset.

Possibly the thing I like least about politics is being forced to listen to someone share political opinions. And if you really want to turn me off, put a politician in front of a microphone. I find myself wondering if I'd still venerate George Washington and Abraham Lincoln if there were recordings of them talking. I cannot recall the last president who was being broadcast where I wanted to listen to what they had to say. Oh, I did listen to Bill Clinton give his "that woman" speech because I was curious as to what he had to say about the Monica Lewinsky situation. But otherwise, if a politician is on the radio or TV, unless it is a dire national emergency, I am not going to listen or watch.

Did Lincoln sound like Henry Fonda or Gregory Peck or Raymond Massey? What matters is not Lincoln's timbre or stage presence or charisma but his actions, his convictions, his courage, his wisdom. And the magnificent way he communicated. On paper.

But wouldn't it be weird if Lincoln sounded like Richard Dreyfuss?