Credit where it's due, please

James Lileks writes in his Bleat:
I have a new goal in life: to watch the first ten minutes of every movie on Netflix. I love credit sequences.
Funny thing about that. We watched "Sleepy Hollow" last night, via Netflix (DVD, not streaming). What got me was that the credits were right there at the beginning, where they belong. Nowadays you can watch a movie and the names of the actors might not appear on the screen until the end roll. And then it's going to be small type on a TV set. Which is why I go right to right after I know what Netflix LohMan has on tap. Who are these people? (Although I do know Johnny Depp when I see him and he looked very young in this one.)

As far as "Sleepy Hollow" goes, my attention wandered after the opening credits. These movies with all their "Whoomph" pulsing are not for me.