"He did not intend to let anyone get ahead of him if he could help it."

The life story of Paul Jones Purdy gives the reader a good idea in a hurry about what farm life was like a century or more ago. Mr. Purdy lived in northern Missouri, where he farmed, did custom work, owned several business ventures, taught, did carpentry, studied mechanical engineering, married and raised a family of nine children. A good idea about farm life? A good idea about two or three walks of life!

Paul Purdy served two terms in the Missouri House. I like the quote:
On one of his week-ends home while serving in the legislature, one of his neighbors asked him what they had done in Jefferson City. He answered,"We've raised hell and put a chunk under it."
Instapundit linked to an essay about naming sons in the current day and age. Start your children as vague nobodies! No names like Grant, Sherman and Lee (who were Paul Jones Purdy's brothers)! Someone (including the victim of the name) might get the wrong idea!

Anyway, read about Paul Jones Purdy. I know it's something of a problem since you can't escape the coat of arms underlay/overlay. And there are spacing issues. But he lived a life worthy of the calling. And he had what it takes to succeed in any age.