Joseph Eddie McCann

I watched one of the discs from BBC : History of World War II just now. It was "D-Day : Reflections of Courage." It's a mixture of archival footage and photos, re-enactments and interviews of participants. All the stories touch you, whether they're German soldiers, French Resistance fighters, or Allied troops.

Eddie McCann said that he ran away from home when he was 13. He paid a stranger to sign his enlistment papers as Mr. McCann Sr. From the Pacific Northwest, Eddie had learned how to maneuver small watercraft and soon he was handling landing craft for the U.S. Navy. He was in the first wave to land at Normandy. Eddie was 15.

When he said he'd run away, my first thought was about his parents. Did they have the slightest idea where he was during those years he was in combat?

He died a year ago.