Truth in packaging

I'm a sucker for a Sam Elliott movie, so when I saw Molly and Lawless John for under 5 dollars at Sam's Club yesterday, I put it in the cart.

The illustration is not from the movie, which is close to 40 years old. It was so dark, I'm not really sure Sam Elliott was even in the film. The actor was clean-shaven, which is fine. But his voice bore no resemblance -- none whatsoever -- to the familiar Sam sound. He was playing a rotter, which is OK. But that meant there was never a chance for a twinkle in his eye.The only resemblance to the real Sam was the bare chest.

The business where a decent woman falls for the "sad" life story (read: LIES) of a prisoner rang true, at least. And there was a neat slow-motion shot of him jumping on a horse (right after he robbed a bank and before he gunned down the guys who tried to stop him).

You've come a long way, Sam.