That's what he said

"Heed the call to evacuate." I plainly remember Mr. Webster, freshman biology teacher at Mexico High, saying that in a lecture on the excretory system. Why this sticks with me when little else did, I could not say. Science is not my thing. I never took a science class that wasn't a requirement. I learned the material long enough for the test and then I, why, I guess I evacuated the information!

I was trying to remember the 10 systems of the human body in lieu of counting sheep last night. I could get as high as six. I began looking on the Web after breakfast. One site had 11 systems, including the immune system. Was the immune system one we studied (or, in my case, memorized) back then? This site lists 10, with immune/lymphatic as one. This list seems familiar.

Is there a commandment for each system, as a way to keep said system functioning well?

1. Heed the call to evacuate.