Teachers communicate their own inadequacies

I earned a degree in elementary education. Everyone in the program had to take a basic math course. I was shocked at the lack of understanding many of my classmates exhibited. This was the daily routine.

After the lecture, demonstration, explanation, whatever you want to call it, the instructor would ask, "Any questions?"
Not from me. I'd been sitting there working ahead, doodling, etc.
But some other young lass would say, "I don't get it."
And the teacher would say, "What don't you understand? Where did I lose you?"
And she would say, "I don't know. I just don't get it."

Next concept. Repeat, with a different non-getter.

I knew seniors in elementary ed who still hadn't taken that basic math class. Did they expect to teach kindergarten and figure they didn't need to know any more about the subject matter than their students? Well, there's a good possibility that teachers like that are role models in a sorry way.

"Math class is tough." And little Barbie gets that.