Sweet surprises

The Christmas music I'm listening to this year is on an mp3 player with nothing but. I walk outside if the weather permits. One morning just as Eddy Arnold sang, "And I want you to know, a stranger said 'hello'," a stranger said, "Hello." It brought a big smile to my face. I suppose that guy thought, "Wow, it doesn't take much with that lady." Or maybe he thought, "Christmas can't be far away."

I think my favorite phrasing in "Christmas Can't Be Far Away" comes when Eddy sings, "The town is on the go." Love the lilt in the word "go."

Our town is depicted in a couple of pictures in my Christmas Decorations slideshow at right. You can click on any picture to gain some control over the slideshow. There are 18 photos at the moment. I add one occasionally.