
I went to the local mall after work. On my way back to my car, a young woman came up to me and asked me for some help. She had left her ATM card at home and her car was right over there. She was out of gas and could I give her a couple of bucks. Not a whit of shyness or desperation about her. She seemed practiced, actually.

After all the emails I get warning me that this is National Gang Week and this is the latest plot to do whatever to you, I was uneasy. I do keep a dollar in my pocket to put in Salvation Army kettles. Since I hadn't seen a kettle at the mall, I still had the dollar. So I gave it to the girl and she said it would help get her off the parking lot. I didn't see how, unless she carried a gas can in her trunk. I don't. Do you?

I got in my car and drove off. I wish people didn't forward these warnings about parking lot scams.