Memory bank, November 26

I saw schoolchildren killed one Saturday morning. No warning. That's when the V-2s came. They were like big telegraph poles that shot through the air. No pilot, no nothing. They went into a building and laid low a whole street.
From an interview Studs Terkel conducted with Jean Wood for his 1985 book, The Good War. See Item 8 in this page about German V-2 bombs. Ms. Wood is recalling the November 1944 V-2 bomb that landed on a crowded variety store near her home. Among the 168 dead were 15 children.
It was this Woolworth's and all these kiddies' bodies were brought out. They said they buried them. They don't know what arms and legs belong to people's arms and legs. They had cardboard coffins. We made so many, but we never made enough.
Actually this bombing happened on November 25, 1944, not November 26 (which is what Wikipedia said).