San Antonio rose that was

Isn't it fine when a buried memory resurfaces? Things you didn't know you still had in your database reload with the right keystroke.

My dad had an administrative job and there was an annual convention that he attended. In the 1950s he would take the whole family. Mother and my sisters and I would go to San Antonio or Fort Worth, too. We'd stay in the hotel and see things while Dad attended meetings. We'd go to stores, a matinee or local attractions. I especially enjoyed riding city buses.

Monday night LohMan and I were in Corpus Christi with my parents. The motel included free drinks with the night's stay so we sat in the bar and chatted with other guests. One fellow was a native of San Antonio and he mentioned that when he graduated from college he went to work for Joske's. I could never have told you the name of the big department store in San Antonio but as soon as he said where he had worked, I knew what he meant.

He was hired to run the boys' department and the first thing he told his staff was: "Don't talk to each other at all today. You can talk to people, just not to each other."