Out and about with the locals

You know how that goes. You live in an area and never visit the local tourist attractions. But sometimes you take the tourists around and show them the sights, if for no other reason than to get them out of the house for a bit.

This spring we visited some people who live in Madison County, Iowa, home of the covered bridges featured in Robert James Waller's hugely popular short novel (1992). Even though they've lived in Madison County for most of their lives, these folks had only seen one or two of the covered bridges.

Our hosts were kind enough to ride along when we ranged about the county looking for said bridges. I took snapshots of our tour and created a slideshow with some of the photos. It's currently playing on LohWoman.

Waller's book spent three years on the best-seller lists. He took his riches and moved to Texas.

There were as many as 19 covered bridges throughout the county. Six remain standing and you can drive on one (Cedar), which is a replica. Arson has been a problem since the "bridges of Madison County" became part of the broader popular culture. Maintaining the iconic structures is expensive but fame has its price.