Wish you were here

So about a quarter to four Instapundit points us to Track 29 who points us to Infrastructurist who leads off a piece about classic train stations that are no more with NYC's Penn Station. And I see that shot of the interior and think "Dear Heart," a 1964 b/w rom com with Glenn Ford, Geraldine Page and Angela Lansbury. The final scene is in Penn Station. And perhaps it was Penn Station's ceiling's final scene, too.

Pardon me, boy, but I can tell you what I'd really like to see: "Dear Heart" released on DVD before it's 50 years old. It seems like 45 years since it's been out of my sight. While we wait, let's do some trainspotting. Geraldine could use some help with her luggage. Oh, and, smoke 'em if you've got 'em. You'll fit right in.