Change and a parting

LohDaughter and her two youngsters were here for a few days. Wonderful houseguests.

We see these folks regularly but it's usually at their place. A feeling of deflation settled on me as we waved their car down the highway. You open the door to go in the house and at least their beagle should be there, trying to escape.

My grandparents used to stand outside to see us off after our monthly visit. Grandma would always say, "When are you coming back?" It's good to know your people are making their way in the world but you still want the connection reinforced.

We were in the Amana Colonies last weekend for a wedding. We walked around Amana and one street in particular made me think of my grandparents, who lived in small-town western Illinois. Our Grandgirl seems to have a strong sense of place. I believe she will always associate us with chigger bites now.