Underage thinking

This fellow was elected to the Missouri Senate in 1908. Qualifications for being a senator include being age 30. True today, true then. The newly elected senator was born March 30, 1878, according to the biographical information he supplied for the official manual. He died in 1940.

Death certificate information doesn't always match up with official manual biographies. There could be several reasons for that. For instance, the information supplied for the official manual could have been misread or mistyped or incorrect. The deceased can't supply the information for his own death certificate. Sometimes the informant can't fill in all the blanks. In the senator's case, the informant was his wife. She said his date of birth was March 30, 1880.

Funny that his wife thought he was younger than he thought he was. Then again, so did his parents. At least they did in 1880, when they told the census enumerator that their son was three months old.

Did you ever see those episodes from The Dick Van Dyke Show where Laura was forced to tell Rob that she had given the wrong age on their marriage license?