Obsolete treat

When I was in high school, the candy rage was Regal Crown Sours. A 10-cent roll had about, what, eight sours. Each piece was the diameter of a nickel and about ⅜- inch thick. And each one was wrapped in a square of waxed paper. Lemon and cherry were the popular flavors. The candy was a British import and a really memorable treat.

In the Age of the Worldwide Web, where a person can track down darn near anything, I regret to report that Regal Crown Sours are not available anywhere. However, Jolly Rancher cherry candies are similar. They give you that little tremor in your eyelids and the soreness in the jaw.

Too bad Jolly Rancher doesn't make a lemon candy. I advise the company to get rid of the apple and the watermelon and substitute a lemon and an orange.

There. That problem is solved.