Some things are better left unsaid

"Notes on a Scandal" is probably on some people's favorite films list. Me, I'll put it at the bottom of the dustbin, where it belongs. Even worse than the movie was the collection of features on the DVD, where the people who made the movie talked about how wonderful it was. And how wonderful it was. And how wonderful it was.

One peculiarity: The Cate Blanchett character gets a lot of calls on her cell phone. The cell's ringtone is a common one but it comes across so loud and clear over the racket in the movie that you'd think the phone was in the same room with you. The character answers the phone every time but she'd have been smarter to turn that ringer off.

Some things are better left unsaid. Some impulses are better left unacted upon. Some scandals engender more sympathy than others. Oh, but what do I know? I've lately gotten hooked on Randolph Scott.